In a ways, it’s somewhat shameful that I can’t find the time to pen an entry or two every so often over the course of…uh, two months. But that’s my fault for treating each like a chapter of something bigger instead of keeping tabs on the every so often that I encounter.
So I’m going to dumb this down for myself, in an attempt to commit to creating more content on a regular basis.
My last two weeks:
New view. After a year plus down in University Commons, I (along with the guy in the photo) ventured north to a different loft apartment. One bed plus den, 1 1/2 baths and a balcony. Balcony shoutout is key, as I have furnished it with a crucial apartment component...
Oh yeah. They were gooood.
And for those interested, my two tiny compatriots are just fine. Here's proof:
Those who wander the loop. OK, so ignore my thumb for a moment, as I was really trying to be discrete, but going back and forth up Monroe or Adams has proven to be an enjoyable experience. This was from day one, as I came across some guy (in a UIC alum Jay DeMerit jersey...random)...but wait! He wasn't just some guy, he was easily some guy who is 7'5. Even better, he befriended and walked besides a guy humorously shorter than himself.
I find height to be a fascinating facet of the human condition. As I personally take great pride in individuals who I come across who are shorter than myself (they can't help it, I can't help it, it is a great equalizer) those who are over sized are of equal interest.
Walking the streets of downtown, especially near the end of the workday, provides intense people-watching potential. Hell, I even passed by my former boss at one point.
What does the future hold...
More to come. I DePromise.
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